5 Tips for Aspiring Fashion Models

Are you an aspiring fashion model looking to make it big in the industry? From developing a strong portfolio to building a social media presence, there are many steps you can take to increase your chances of success. In this blog post, we'll share 5 valuable tips for aspiring fashion models.

Tip 1: Develop a strong portfolio

Your modeling portfolio is your calling card and can make or break your chances of booking gigs. It needs to be strong and only your best images go into it. If it isn’t an image that makes you say “wow” out loud, it doesn’t belong in your portfolio. Here are a few tips for creating a strong portfolio:

  • Use high-quality photographs: Make sure your photos are professional and showcase your unique features. They need to be high resolution with no watermarks. Instagram will not work here. Your portfolio should be printed by a professional lab (Walmart and CVS do not count).

  • Showcase a range of styles and looks: Include photos that show you in different outfits and styles. This is your chance to show the full range of the work you’ve done and your abilities as a model.

  • Include both headshots and full-body shots: Agents and clients will want to see both to get a sense of your overall look and presence. Just like that last point, there should be variety.

Tip 2: Build a social media presence

Social media is a valuable tool for aspiring models looking to increase their visibility and connect with others in the industry. Take full advantage of it and make time to build a strong social media presence:

  • Choose the right platforms: Depending on the niche you are pursuing, certain platforms may be more effective than others. At the moment, Instagram is the king for models, designers, photographers, and creators alike. Pay attention to the changing winds though, as it will not always be this way.

  • Post regularly and consistently: Make sure you're posting frequently to keep your followers engaged. You can even use free apps like buffer.com to schedule posts ahead of time when you find yourself working a busy schedule.

  • Engage with followers and other industry professionals: Respond to comments and reach out to others in the industry to build relationships. This is imperative. Even simple things like sending a quick “thank you” video to new followers makes a huge difference in forming your network. It keeps them engaged and makes them feel like a part of your journey. Trust me, it works.

Tip 3: Network and attend events

Networking and attending events is a perfect way to meet others in the industry and build solid relationships that can help push your own career forward. Remember though, it’s about offering your talent and abilities to assist them, not the other way around. Attempting to form a relationship with someone only for what they can provide you will be short-lived.

  • Attend fashion shows and industry events: Make sure you're attending events where you're likely to meet agents, photographers, and other models.

  • Connect with agents, photographers, and other models: Don't be afraid to introduce yourself and exchange contact information with every single person you can.

  • Be professional and approachable: Make sure you're presenting yourself in the best light possible and are easy to work with. Designers, photographers, and others in the industry want people that can make life easier. Be the person that you would choose to work with.

Tip 4: Take care of your health and appearance

As a model, your appearance is your livelihood, so it's important to take care of yourself. Body, Mind, and spirit. You can look amazing but if your mental state is off or your heart is not in your work, you can’t perform at your best. This industry is unlike any other because of one simple fact; you are the business.

  • Maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly: Exercise and a healthy diet can help you maintain your energy levels and keep your body looking its best.

  • Get enough sleep: Make sure you're getting enough rest to look and feel your best.

  • Take care of your skin and hair: Invest in quality skincare and hair products to keep your skin and hair looking healthy and glowing.

Tip 5: Be persistent and stay positive

Success in the modeling industry will eventually come down to your own persistence, positive attitude, and personal belief in yourself. You have to focus on the road ahead and keep your mind moving forward in a positive direction.

  • Don't give up after rejections or setbacks: Rejection is a HUGE part of the industry, so don't let it get you down. I can’t stress that enough. You will see a lot of rejection but keep in mind that it is all part of this career. A salesman doesn’t close every single deal and neither will you. Expect 10% or even less.

  • Stay motivated and focused on your goals: Keep your eyes on the prize and work hard to achieve your dreams. There will come a time when it feels like you’ve got no other options except quit. In that moment, you have to be able to find your center and decide if this is really what you want.

  • Believe in yourself and your abilities: Confidence is one key that matters most in the modeling industry, so make sure you're believing in yourself and your abilities. You will experience negativity from designers, photographers, and especially other models, but you have to remain confident. Their thoughts and words do not pay your bills and will not determine your future in this industry.

I will be completely honest with you in that less than 1% of new models find a level that can be considered successful. Success as an aspiring model will not come easy and you need to know that from the very start. You will not be “discovered” by Chanel on Instagram and Vogue doesn’t care who you are or how you look. It’s your job to work your way up and make them notice you. That’s the goal for a fashion model in this industry.


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