Behind the Scenes of a Haute Couture Fashion Show

Haute couture fashion shows are the epitome of luxury and glamor, showcasing the most exquisite pieces of clothing created by the most talented designers. But what really goes into putting on such a high-stakes event? In this article, I want to take you behind the scenes and show you every step of the way to bring a haute couture fashion show to life.

Designing and Creating the Collection

I don’t pretend to fully understand this aspect, as I’m a photographer who’s job is to capture the vision, not create it. The inspiration behind each collection as unique as the designer themself. Inspiration abounds and can come from anywhere. Some take inspiration from nature, while others take inspiration from the architecture of a city or a specific culture. Once the inspiration is found, the designer starts the design process. Sketches are created, and fabrics are sourced and selected. After the initial design, patterns are made, and prototypes are created. The final fittings and adjustments are then made to perfect each piece. This step is long and arduous. It’s also standard for the pieces to be created for a single model, which means that he/she could be chosen very early in the process.

Pre-Show Preparation

Once the collection is complete, it’s time to add some style the looks. Accessories and shoes are carefully selected (or designed) and paired with each outfit. Hair and makeup designs are created, and models are cast (if not already chosen) to fit the vision of the collection. Rehearsals and full run-throughs are held extensively to ensure everything is perfect for the big day.

Backstage Chaos

On the day of the show, there is a hive of activity backstage. It’s true controlled chaos at times. The backstage team is made up of dressers, hair and makeup artists, and stylists. They are responsible for ensuring each model looks perfect before stepping out on the runway. The models are dressed in the selected outfits, and final touches and last-minute adjustments are made. Photographers are also swarming the area looking for those perfect shots as everyone is preparing for the final reveal. This is where it begins to get exciting for me as I get to mingle with each member of the team and network as I work to get images to help them advertise their own brands styles.

The Haute Couture Show

The venue and set design are carefully selected to fit the vision of the designer. Sometimes, weeks are spent decorating, choosing the music, and curating lighting to create the perfect atmosphere. As per the specifications of the design team, even the runway walk and presentation are engineered to showcase each look to its full potential. The audience and media are in attendance, capturing the moment and sharing their reactions with the world. For photographers (like models), it’s almost a battle to even get a seat. Being a part of a Haute Couture show is an honor and recognition of your mastery in your craft.

After the Show

After the show comes the afterparty celebrations and interviews. There is a buzz of excitement (either positive or negative) from those in attendance and the selected press coverage, not to mention social media. Everyone is searching for their own meanings and feelings about the designs seen in the show and opinions are being formed as to the evolution of fashion as a whole, thanks in part to this one show. Outside of the technical, behind-the-scenes work like photo editing and venue breakdown, the designer and team are already looking towards the future and their next mark on the fashion industry.

Putting on a haute couture fashion show is no easy feat. It honestly takes months of preparation, creativity, and hard work of a huge team to bring a single collection to life. That doesn’t include people who aren’t directly involved such as press and photographers. The final result though, can be a stunning display of fashion that leaves the audience in awe (or not).

While I know this is only a short overview, I hope that it has given you at least a small bit of insight on these over-the-top fashion industry spectaculars. To really dive deep would require a book and honestly, it wouldn’t do it justice. You really can’t define the excitement of a Haute Couture fashion show experience with mere words.


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