Don’t Become A Model

If you’re thinking about trying to model, you really need to read this.

The life of a model looks amazing from a distance, but the truth is that very few ever actually make it to a level of steady income. Far fewer ever make it to a status that affords them the lifestyle of luxury. Bottom line: Modeling is HARD.

I know the title doesn’t seem like something you should be reading right now. I mean, you want to pursue modeling and negativity has no place in your future, right? I completely understand and if you have that mindset, then you’re starting off on the right foot, but hear me out.

As a professional fashion photographer, I work with different models and perspective models on a daily basis. I do photography for their comp cards, portfolio, fashion shows, branding deals, content creation, and yes, even OnlyFans for some. These models work hard. They’re serious about their passion and where they want to go. Every single one of them work a job somewhere to finance their endeavors. Very few of them ever make it to representation from an agency and almost none of them make it to a profitable level in their career. It sucks, but it’s the facts.

Don’t quit on me yet…..

I say all of this not to discourage you and keep you from chasing your dream. I only want you to know the truth about the world you’re trying to jump in to. It’s hard, deep, grueling, sweaty, nasty work and there’s a very big chance that it may never pay off. As a professional fashion photographer in Pensacola, I can honestly say it’s nearly impossible unless you’re prepared to travel A LOT or relocate to an epicenter like New York or Los Angeles.

Even still, I do my best to help. I’ve built my business model on giving every last thing I can to bring new faces into the world of professional modeling. If you’re truly serious about getting your feet wet as a model, let’s talk about it. I would love to help.


Behind the Scenes of a Haute Couture Fashion Show